
Operation Status Questionnaire


Operation Status Questionnaire

Operation Status Questionnaire

Hello, thank you for your inquiry!Newtown is a professional steam system energy saving company, providing the most effective and long-lasting steam system energy saving solutions for industrial steam energy users.We have a whole line of VMV products, including steam trap, pressure reducing valve, temperature control valve, condensate recovery pump, water hammer eliminator, temperature and pressure reducer, etc.
To ensure that you are prepared for steam energy saving analysis of your enterprise, please fill in the questionnaire.

Steam Source Self Generated Out Source
Steam Production Boiler Qty:
Steam output: (t/h)
Annual steam consumption: (t/y)
Steam pressure(MPa)&
Steam temperature(℃)
Steam main line diameter DN
Steam Purchase Quantity N/A Average flow rate: (t/h);
Annual Consumption (t)
Main steam parameter Is the steam main line equipped with a pressure reducer?  Yes:  No:   
Steam parameters after pressure reducer?(MPa、℃、t/h)
Pressure loss of steam pipe network (Loss of pressure units MPa)(Has the client done any tests?)
Pipeline drainage Is the condensation point and condensation mode correct?
Pipe network integrity and insulation condition Is the condensate recovery network complete?
What material is the main steam line used for insulation and what is the surface temperature of the pipeline?
2.Steam usage
Powered Equipment The production equipment and process.
Steam Equipment, System Process and Parameter Diagram Provide system process drawing
Heat-exchange Equipment Whether a water trap is installed?
Whether need to open the bypass valve frequently?
Flow chart of condensate discharge process;
Operation of ancillary equipment (whether there is water hammer, large pressure fluctuation, and steam in water)
Condensate System Provide the main condensate pipe network diagram, local pipe network diagram
Whether a collecting tank is installed?
If any flash steam vented?
Condensate recovery equipment configuration and process flow chart
Pipeline heat tracing Discharge condition, whether there is gas phenomenon?
Has the condensate been recovered? What process is used for recycling?
3.Problem Analysis
Steam pipe network
Condensate Discharge
Low temperature heat utilization and recovery
Steam pipe network
Condensate System


  No.   Equipment The heating volume or heat exchange area of equipment Performance Period Steam Consumption Steam Trap
Daily operating hours Annual operating days Steam Pressure (MPa) Max Steam Consumption (t/h) Average Steam Consumption (t/h)  Model    Qty   Using Condition







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True Efficiency Use VMV

What can we do for you?
1. 26 years of brand history and industry experience.
2. Complete certificates, first-class standard.
3. Stable and high level product quality.
4. Regular products, delivery within 7 days.
5. Price support, adapt to the local market.
6. Team of 37 engineers, reliable technical support.
7. Professional training, online and offline form.
8. VR live display, not limited by geography.
9. Sale and service, 12 hours quick response.

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