For 8” diameter and larger sizes, bodies are provided with three guides at 120º to guide the disc and ensure a good seal between the seating surfaces.
Interior contouring gives minimum resistance to flow and lowest achievable pressure drop, eliminating wear producing turbulence.
Newton´s Y-body (flite flow) pressure seal globe valves are designed with the most advanced tecnologies obtained from direct experience in boilers fabrication. Among the diferent functions of this type of valve, most relevant aplication is as feed water stop valve, used to protect the water piping between the economizer and the feed water heaters during the hydrostatic boiler test. These valves are also applicable wherever large volumes are to be handled at high pressure and/or high temperatures, handling steam and water at aceptable velocities and pressure drops.
globe valve types
globe valve vs gate valve
globe valve animation
globe valve uses
globe valve manufacturers
globe valve diagram
globe valve symbol
globe valve advantages and disadvantages
For 8” diameter and larger sizes, bodies are provided with three guides at 120º to guide the disc and ensure a good seal between the seating surfaces.
Interior contouring gives minimum resistance to flow and lowest achievable pressure drop, eliminating wear producing turbulence.
Newton´s Y-body (flite flow) pressure seal globe valves are designed with the most advanced tecnologies obtained from direct experience in boilers fabrication. Among the diferent functions of this type of valve, most relevant aplication is as feed water stop valve, used to protect the water piping between the economizer and the feed water heaters during the hydrostatic boiler test. These valves are also applicable wherever large volumes are to be handled at high pressure and/or high temperatures, handling steam and water at aceptable velocities and pressure drops.
globe valve types
globe valve vs gate valve
globe valve animation
globe valve uses
globe valve manufacturers
globe valve diagram
globe valve symbol
globe valve advantages and disadvantages