Steam Expertise
work release heat 494Kcal accounts for 75% of total calories
Condensate heat 165Kcal temperature 164°C accounts for 25% of total heat
1KG steam (6bar) temperature 164°C enthalpy value 659kcal
Professional Terms
Saturated steam: refers to pure steam corresponding to the boiling point temperature of water
under a certain pressure.
Superheated Steam: Steam with a temperature higher than saturated steam.
Absolute pressure and gauge pressure: Absolute pressure refers to the pressure in MPa relative
to ideal vacuum; gauge pressure refers to the pressure in MPa relative to atmospheric pressure.
Example: 1 atmosphere equals 0.1013MPa absolute pressure. Gauge pressure plus 0.1013MPa equalsabsolute pressure.
Steam pressure/temperature: The saturation temperature corresponding to any pressure of saturated steam.
Example: The saturation temperature corresponding to the gauge pressure of saturated steam of 2 bar is 133.56°C.
Sensible heat of saturated water: The heat required to heat 1kg of water from 0°C to the boiling point under a certain pressure, and the unit of heat is kJ.
Latent heat or heat of evaporation: Under a certain pressure, the heat required to heat 1 kg of
water into steam of the same pressure is called the heat of evaporation. On the contrary, the
heat released by cooling 1 kg of steam of a certain pressure into condensed water of the same
pressure is called latent heat. The unit of heat is kJ.
Total heat of steam: latent heat of steam + sensible heat of condensed water is the total heat
of steam, that is, all heat above zero under a certain pressure.
Measures for Efficient Utilization of Steam Thermal Energy
- Use superheated steam for steam delivery as much as possible.
- Reduce steam pressure and increase steam latent heat through pressure reducing valve Set or desuperheating and pressure reducing device.
- Improve the steam utilization rate, do a good job of heat preservation, reasonably select different types and different displacement traps, and use high-quality steam traps to prevent leakage.
- Recover the heat of the condensed water and make full use of the sensible heat of the condensed water. Use flash tank to extract low-pressure steam, back pressure to recover condensate, pump trap to recover condensate, electric pump to recover condensate, flash steam, heat exchanger to extract heat energy, etc.
- Recovery of spent steam through direct and indirect heat exchangers and heat pump suction.
- Use multi-stage heating to improve equipment steam utilization, such as double-effect, multi-effect concentration; multi-stage air preheating heating coil.
- Attach great importance to the removal of non-condensable gases from pipes and equipment.
- Reasonable piping to prevent steam lock.